Goaso Diocesan Pastoral And Social Centre

The Catholic Diocese of Goaso, since its inception about 12 years ago has been able to put up a magnificent Diocesan Pastoral and Training Centre at Goaso. The centre is to serve as a place for Seminars, Retreats, etc for both Priests, Religious and the lay faithful in and outside the diocese, where one can have a period of self-examination on personal life and leadership training Centre for the Youth and the other Societies in the Church.

The completed phase are the kitchen, the dining hall, 2 storage rooms, toilet facility (W/C and shower), small office and three 50 capacity decket beds, a dormitory block and a 16 self contained rooms. The structures were put up with the assistance from some donor agencies and local contributions by the lay faithful in the diocese.

Electricity has also been extended from the Ghana National Electricity Grid to the Diocesan Pastoral and Training Centre. The centre however has a serene atmosphere for prayer and personal meditation.

About us

The Catholic Diocese of Goaso is the sixteenth diocese in Ghana to be created by the Holy Father Pope John Paul II. Until October 1997, the Catholic Diocese of Goaso was part of the Catholic Diocese of Sunyani. The installation of the current and first Bishop, Most Rev. Peter Kwaku Atuahene, took place on Sunday, February 8, 1998, at Goaso.

Contact us

Postal address: Catholic Diocese of Goaso
P.O.Box 28, Goaso, B/A, Ghana
Email: info@goasodiocese.com | chancellor@goasodiocese.com
© 2025 The Catholic Diocese of Goaso.