St. Elizabeth Catholic Hospital


St. Elizabeth Catholic Hospital in Hwidiem located in the Asutifi district of the Brong Ahafo Region was started as a sanatorium for small pox victims in 1956. It became a clinic under the Catholic Diocese of Kumasi. This was as a result of a request from the Chief and elders of Hwidiem Traditional Area. The request became necessary due to the many contagious diseases like small pox and leprosy that prevailed in the area. This clinic has developed into a modern hospital over the years and is currently under the administration of the Catholic Diocese of Goaso.With time, the hospital has been up graded to a district hospital.

A considerable amount of renovation and construction works have been carried out over the years. The hospital consists of a number of individual buildings in all shades of quality size and appearance. Generally, the hospital offers quality and affordable medical services for the people of Asutifi and nearby Asunafo, Ahafo-Ano North and Bibiani Anwhiaso – Bekwai districts and beyond as well as referrals from other clinics and district hospitals. The catchment area of the hospital is estimated to be over 120,000.

-    1956


These are in line with the Mission, Vision and Goal of the National Catholic Health Services:


“Is to continue Christ healing ministry in bringing healing to the greatest possible number of people in the provision of total quality patient care through healers with good ethical and moral standards; who are conscientious as well as professionally competent, motivated and united in their common respect for fundamental human values”


“Is to provide high quality health care in the most effective/efficient and innovative manner, specific to the needs of the communities we serve and at all times acknowledging the dignity of the patient. These services will be carried out in a manner complementary to yet integral to the national health sector activities of Ghana”.


“To strengthen and improve the NCHS in its ability to provide and sustain health care services for the poor, neglected and marginalized segments of the society. The services will seek to empower the people it serves to take ownership of their own individual and collective health needs”.


The Hospital provides the following services:

·         Outpatient Department / Emergency Room

·         Reproductive and Child Health Clinic

·         Maternity Ward / Labour Unit

·         Children’s Ward

·         Males Medical and Surgical Ward

·         Females Medical and Surgical Ward

·         Pharmacy/ Dispensary

·         Operating / Sterilization Unit

·         Mortuary

·         Laboratory Services

·         Eye Clinic

·         X-Ray and Ultrasound Services

·         Dental Clinic

·         ART Clinic

·         VCT/PMTCT

·         TB Program

·         Nutrition, Diabetic and Hypertension Clinic

·         Obstetrics and Gynaecology Clinic


The hospital is also engaged in Primary Health Care, Outreach Services, HIV counseling services and School Health. The Primary Health Care department has 32 outreach points. The Hospital supports the department with transport for outreach activities. The PHC department organizes school health services in all the outreach points. The Hospital sponsors the training of Community Health Nurses to take up PHC activities in our catchment area. Targeted schools for school health include pre schools 6, primary 10, junior high school 9 and senior high school 3). The other classes are not covered due to inadequate human, material and financial resources.


Pastoral care as an essential component of the healing process is a fact that is recognized by the church. A number of activities such as prayer services, retreats, seminars, general counseling, visits to the sick, celebrations, arbitrations among staff and clients need to be undertaken in order to ensure physical and emotional healing and an atmosphere of peace and serenity. The pastoral team undertakes these activities for the benefit of clients and staff all those who visit the hospital.






The Hospital is under the administration of the Hospital Management Team made up of the:LIST OF MEDICAL DIRECTORS AND ADMINISTRATORS SINCE ESTABLISHMENT

-    Dr. J.D. Vervoom            -    1956
-    Dr. J.F.A.M. Vos
-    Dr. J.H.J.M. Meuwissen
-    Dr. Remesal Fidalgo
-    Dr. H.H.J. Wegdam        -    1970 - 1972
-    Dr. R.J.J Van Beek        -    1971 - 1973
-    Dr. G.A.R.M. Dijkmans        -    1972 – 1975
-    Dr. E. De Lange            -    1975 – 1977
-    Dr. P.C. Van der Velden        -    1976 – 1978
-    Dr. J.P Lips            -    1977 – 1979
-    Dr. E.J.J.W. Niesten        -    1978 - 1980
-    Dr. E.J.H. Meuleman        -    1979 – 1982
-    Dr. W.J. Levens            -    1980 – 1983
-    Dr. P.E.J.M Mekel        -    1982 – 1985
-    Dr. P. Knape                1983 – 
-    Dr. M. Verhagen            -    1984 – 1988
-    Dr. W.C.M. Bakker        -    1985 – 1986
-    Dr. P. R. de Vries            -    1986 – 1990
-    Dr. Maat            -    1988 – 1991
-    Dr. M. Gerrittsen            -    1990 – 1993
-    Rev. Sr. Bernadette D. McCarthy -    1994 - 2006
-    Rev. Sr. Rosina Fosu Ntiwaa    -    2006 – 2014

-    Rev. Sr. Comfort Michelle Apedzi - 2014- To date


-    Rev. Fr. Dominic Asuahene

-    Rev. Fr. Augustine Adjei Boachie
-    Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Idun Ofori
-    Rev. Fr. Israel Kwame Atta Boadi

-    Rev. Fr. Anthony Boateng Mensah


The hospital successfully initiated and implemented Asutifi District Health Insurance Scheme which is now in the hands of the National Health Insurance Authority. The hospital has now directed its attention to service delivery but still collaborates with the National Health Insurance Authority.


The hospital was recently award a Primary Hospital B Status by the National Health Insurance Authority.
The hospital serves as the district hospital in the Asutifi District of the Brong Ahafo Region of Ghana.


1 Inadequate number of key/Critical staff at post to cope with attendance
2 Inadequate number of trained midwives at post to cope with increased pregnancy related cases.
3 Inadequate accommodation for core staff thereby discouraging potential personnel from taking up appointments.
4 The absence of a resident specialist to attend to O&G clients
5 Lack of production unit for the Pharmacy Department


1 Construction of Senior Staff and Junior Staff Bungalows
2 Recruitment critical/core health staff for efficient and effective service delivery
3 Relatives hostel in progress
4 Construct a Production Unit for the Pharmacy department for efficient service delivery
5 There is National ambulance at the hospital
6 Ensure the commencement of service delivery at the Dental Unit
7 Ensure improvement in the quality of health care delivery in our facility
8 Obtain the needed equipment for efficient service delivery
9 Maintain and motivate staff

About us

The Catholic Diocese of Goaso is the sixteenth diocese in Ghana to be created by the Holy Father Pope John Paul II. Until October 1997, the Catholic Diocese of Goaso was part of the Catholic Diocese of Sunyani. The installation of the current and first Bishop, Most Rev. Peter Kwaku Atuahene, took place on Sunday, February 8, 1998, at Goaso.

Contact us

Postal address: Catholic Diocese of Goaso
P.O.Box 28, Goaso, B/A, Ghana
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© 2025 The Catholic Diocese of Goaso.