St. Joseph’s Training College

St. Joseph’s Training College like all rivers of academic knowledge started as trickles from its remote sources. From a modest beginning with the first crop of 21 men as students and and three members of staff in 1948, today, the college can boast of population of 900 students (men and women) and 42 members of teaching staff and also having trained several thousands of teachers who have served and continue to serve the needs of the length and breadth of the nation.

St. Joseph’s Training College was founded in 1948 by Rev. Father Joseph Moulders the then Parish Priest of the Catholic Church at Bechem. It started as a two-year teacher’s certificate “B” college. It became the first teacher training college in the Ahafo area of the then Gold Coast to cater for needs of the then expanding programme of Education in the country. The land on which the college is situated was donated by Nana Fosu Gyeabour 1, the then Bechemmanhene, and his elders in 1947.

The college was housed initially at the Catholic Mission and moved to its present site after a brief period. The first principal was Mr. I. J. Nicholson (an expatriate).During the course of its 50years existence, the college has run different programmes both concurrently and consecutively. A brief analysis of the diamond milestone would reveal some of the following courses.

2 Year Certificate “B” 4Year Certificate “A”: The college became a mixed institute Specialist course in mathematics and science introduced Post-Secretary course for commercial and vocational skills Post secondary general course introduced 4 year certificate “A” course re-introduced Modular course run concurrently with 4year basic course concurrently, the College runs three programme, i.e: Regular DBE, UTBDE SANDWICH for teachers on the field etc. it has also been selected as one of the Maths/Science Training Colleges on pilot basis.

Through all these phases, the college has grown from strength to strength in terms of population and course expansion. Since its inception, the development of St. Joseph’s Training College has been progressive story of many principals and Acting Principals.

About us

The Catholic Diocese of Goaso is the sixteenth diocese in Ghana to be created by the Holy Father Pope John Paul II. Until October 1997, the Catholic Diocese of Goaso was part of the Catholic Diocese of Sunyani. The installation of the current and first Bishop, Most Rev. Peter Kwaku Atuahene, took place on Sunday, February 8, 1998, at Goaso.

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P.O.Box 28, Goaso, B/A, Ghana
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