
Dean: V. Rev. Fr. Joseph Aduse Poku

Bechem: St. Joseph, Box 5, Bechem, Tel: 035 – 2097024
Frs. Elisha Manu, - PP, Samuel Kofi Baiden, (Emmanuel Gyansah-Tabi, Rev. Fr. Stephen Danso – In Residence). Outstations (7): Mansin, Breme, Bofoaka, Kwasu, Ohianimguase, Abesewa, Mansopa.

Duayaw – Nkwanta: St. John of God, Box 84, Duayaw Nkwanta

Fr. Joseph Aduse Poku, PP., Fr. Joseph Kuunigyir, Associate. Outstations (5): Susuanho, Koforidua, Buokrukruwa, Bredi, Dagyamim, Jachie, Campso,

Techimantia: Sacred Heart, Box 1, Techimantia, Tel. 035 - 2026709. Fr. Denis Senyo Etti, SMA. Outstations (4): Dwomo, Tweapease, Subriso, Asuboi.

Yamfo:  St. Anthony, Box 24, Yamfo
Frs. Francis Ayana (PP), Michael Agyei. Outstations (5): Susuanso, Tanoso, Afrisipa, Ahyiayem, Assen, Adengo.

Bomaa: St. Joseph, c/o Box 28, Goaso
Frs. Pascal Diala CMF, PP., Charles Okonkwo, CMF Outstations (8): Asukese, Subonpang, Tanokrom, Kwasuagya, Onwi, Mamponteng, Dwomakwai, Dwenease.

Brosankro New Town, St. John of God Quasi Parish,
Fr. Jomi Antony Pathikulangara, CMI – PP. Outstations: (3) Brosankro Old Town, Onwe Nkwanta, Biokrom,

Terchire: St. Francis Xavier Quasi Parish,
Fr. Dominic Owusu Afriyie - PP. Outstations: (4) Adrobaa, Subriso I, Subriso II, Mankranho

Derma: St. Mary Quasi Parish,
Fr. Anthony Awuah Boateng - PP. Outstations: (4) Derma Nkwakyire, Ankaase, Adaa, Monta,

About us

The Catholic Diocese of Goaso is the sixteenth diocese in Ghana to be created by the Holy Father Pope John Paul II. Until October 1997, the Catholic Diocese of Goaso was part of the Catholic Diocese of Sunyani. The installation of the current and first Bishop, Most Rev. Peter Kwaku Atuahene, took place on Sunday, February 8, 1998, at Goaso.

Contact us

Postal address: Catholic Diocese of Goaso
P.O.Box 28, Goaso, B/A, Ghana
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