His Lordship, Most Rev. Peter K. Atuahene, commissioned a Mechanised Water Borehole on September 11, 2015, at Wamahinso in the Brong Ahafo Region at a grand and colourful durbar. The project was sponsored by ‘Grove for Ghana’ in St. Hugh Catholic Church, Miami, U.S.A. The project consists of Borehole, one five-thousand-litre Poly tank and a Submersible Pump.

The Bishop, in his speech, thanked the donors and explained that indiscriminate human activities had polluted rivers and water bodies making them unsafe to drink and use. He said that the project had met the particular need of the community by providing safe and clean water for drinking and domestic purposes. He entreated the people to cooperate with the Management Board, yet to be set up, to ensure successful maintenance of the project. Mr Samuel Owusu Ansah, the Assembly man, launched an appeal for funds to raise seed money for the running of the Water Project.


The Youth Wing of the Catholic Women Association (CWA) of Goaso Diocese recently celebrated her fourth Anniversary with a series of activities at the St. Peter’s Parish at Kenyasi in the Brong Ahafo Region. 

The three-day celebration themed “The Value of Marriage and Family: The Pastoral Challenges of the Family in the context of the New Evangelization” brought together members from nine Parishes in the Diocese. 

Most Rev. Peter Atuahene, Bishop of Goaso and Special Guest of Honour at the opening ceremony entreated the CWA youth to be focused and well grounded in the Catholic faith because the future of the Catholic Women Association (CWA) depends on them, advising them to brace themselves to take up the mantle of leadership in the near future. 

He commended them for organising the Congress annually and urged them to ensure that their programmes and activities were tailored towards holistic development and formation of members. 

Bishop Atuahene cautioned them to be aware of the evil of human trafficking, urging them to study hard, be gainfully employed, learn a trade and get well established in Ghana to avoid being victims of human trafficking. 

He noted that School drop outs and the unemployed youth were more vulnerable & easily fell prey to traffickers, appealing to them to be wise, enrol in School and remain in School for a more secured future. 

He advised them not to pay attention to anyone who promised them greener pastures and better jobs abroad because it was a form of slavery. 

Bishop Atuahene charged them to be proactive in the campaign against human traficking by reporting any suspected move by some unscrupulous individuals to recruit people with empty promises of a better future abroad.


Rev. Fr. Sixtus Kyei Kusi the Assistant Priest at the St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, Bechem who delivered a talk on Courtship: the foundation for a happy marriage, underscored the importance of courtship before marriage saying that many marriages were breaking up because there was no proper courtship before marriage.


He gave them guidelines on good courtship, signs of bad courtship, some dangerous behaviours that the individual needed to watch out in courting, some permissible limits and things to avoid during courtship as well as the importance of courtship. 

“For a successful marriage the need for a convenient period of courtship should not be undervalued. It provides two people with the opportunity to test each other's feelings, ideas and orientations of life so that they may decide whether a life together will be possible and fruitful”. He said.

The OLA Girls Senior High School at Kenyasi entertained the guests with a welcome dance, sing songs and choreography while the Missionary Childhood Choir of the Church added colour to the celebration with a wonderful song rendition. 

The opening ceremony was chaired by Mrs. Araba Chinbuah, the Headmistress of the St. Peter’s Basic School Kenyasi and the Vice President of the Church. She advised the ladies to take advantage of the formation programme to improve their lots by becoming firm in the faith and living good moral lives. 

27 new members were initiated into the fold. Mrs. Theresa Afful, Diocesan President of the CWA who performed the initiation ceremony together with other Diocesan Executives

She charged the new members to keep the flag of the Association flying by living exemplary lives, urging them to hold on to the Word of God, study it and allow the Word to transform their lives. 

There were fun games, sack race, filling the bottle, lime and spoon, music and dancing, and a float with brass band through the town of Kenyasi.


                                                    Bishop Atuahene with some members after the opening ceremony



A colourful thanksgiving Eucharistic celebration was held at the St. Anthony of Padua Cathedral at Goaso for four Sisters of the Religious of the Virgin Mary, (RVM) who professed their Perpetual Vows  in the Philippines. 

They are Rev. Srs. Ma. Lydia Yaa Sarpong, Ma. Cynthia Ameyka, Mary Magdalene Sampson Kwofie, and Ma. Lydia Baiden. 

The Mass which was presided over by the Most Rev. Peter Kwaku Atuahene, the Bishop of Goaso was attended by many RVM Sisters, including their District Superior, Sr. Teresita Francia, RVM, family members, friends, relatives and well wishers of the four Sisters. 

Concelebrants at the Mass included: Rev. Msgr. Anthony Boahen Kyereme, the Cathedral Administrator, Rev. Frs. Clement Badu Kyeremeh and Elisha Manu, Assistants to the Administrator. 

Bishop Atuahene congratulated the new Sisters for the bold step they had taken and charged them to use their gifts and talents to render joyful service to God and the Church, appealing to young people to respond to the call to Religious Life. 

Sr. Lydia Yaa Sarpong on behalf of her colleagues expressed gratitude to the Bishop, Priests, their parents, relatives, Superiors, Formators and the Congregation for their support and encouragement and prayed God to reward them. 

The four Sisters thrilled the Congregation with a solemn song in appreciation of what God has done for them. 

                                                                Bishop Atuahene with the four Sisters



Most Rev. Peter Kwaku Atuahene, Bishop of Goaso Diocese recently Confirmed 24 Catholics at the St. Anthony of Padua Cathedral at Goaso.

The Mass was concelebrated by Rev. Msgr. Anthony Boahen Kyereme, Cathedral Administrator, and Rev. Frs. Clement Badu Kyeremeh and Elisha Manu, Assistants to the Administrator. 

Bishop Atuahene in a homily urged Christians to draw inspiration from the Holy Spirit to empower them to lead good Christian lives adding that having received the Holy Spirit through the Sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation; they were expected to bear fruits in their lives.

He used the analogy of the different professions and vocations to buttress the point that the Holy Spirit gifts each and everyone a special gift that enables the person to render service to God and humanity through any chosen career adding that every career/profession is important and needed to complete the body of Christ which is the Church. He urged all to be grateful to God and appreciative to others for whatever services they rendered.

Bishop Atuahene expressed appreciation to the parents, God parents, Catechists and all who assisted in the preparation of the Candidates for the Sacrament and charged the Confirmandi to avail themselves of opportunities to continue to grow in the faith by joining one of the different pious Associations in the Church adding that they must be ready and willing to share the faith with others though their words and deeds.

Rev. Msgr. Anthony Boahen Kyereme on behalf of the PPC and the entire parishioners welcomed the Bishop and thanked him for the visit and for administering the Sacrament of Confirmation on the candidates.


Bishop Atuahene, Frs. Clement and Elisha with the newly Confirmed




Most Rev. Peter Kwaku Atuahene, Bishop of Goaso Diocese recently administered the Sacrament of Confirmation on 138 students at the Boakye Tromo Senior High Technical School at Duayaw Nkwanta in the Tano North District of the Brong Ahafo Region. 

The Confirmandi were drawn from the different non Catholic Second Cycle Institutions in the Diocese as well as Tepa Nursing and Midwifery Training School.

In a homily, Bishop Atuahene urged the Confirmandi to always uphold the Catholic faith and defend it boldly by word and deed advising them to live exemplary lives.

The Prelate urged them to avail themselves of the gifts of the Holy Spirit; wisdom, understanding, knowledge, counsel, fortitude, piety and the fear of God which were received at Confirmation to empower them to bear good fruits. 

He stressed that Christians who were animated by the Holy Spirit must be loving, caring, peaceful, patient, kind, joyful even in adversity, faithful, humble and have self- control.

He entreated the Confirmandi to strive to be agents of peace and desist from antagonism, pride, racism and all types of vices advising them to be patient and wait on the Lord always.

The Bishop urged them to be faithful and exhibit the fruit of humility in an environment where people were proud and wanted everyone to bow before them, saying that they must exercise self control in an environment where people wanted to live their lives the way they want, without any restriction.

Bishop Atuahene reminded Christians to honour their bodies as temples of God by respecting themselves and others; physically, spiritually, psychologically, emotionally and in all dimensions so that God would be honoured in each and everyone. 

He commended the Chaplaincy of non-Catholic Institutions for bringing the students together to receive the Sacrament and prayed that it would empower them to live in faith hope & charity.

In a welcome address, the Headmaster of the School, Mr. George Awuah Jnr, thanked the Bishop for the honour done to School through the visit and appealed for his assistance for a borehole to address the perennial water shortage in the School.

In attendance were Rev. Frs. Bernard Obeng-Gyamfi, the Diocesan Coordinator of Schools, Theophilus Acheampong Pepra and Henry Oduro Asante, the Parish Priest and Assistant of St. John of God Parish, Duayaw Nkwanta respectively, Religious, St. John of God Choir, staff, students, and friends of the Confirmandi.





Most Rev. Peter Kwaku Atuahene, Bishop of Goaso has called on the youth to actively participate in Church activities to ensure their holistic growth and development.

He urged the youth to be focused, make use of opportunities available to them, develop their talents, live a dignified life, and contribute meaningfully to the growth of the society.

The Bishop made the call during the opening ceremony of this year’s World Youth Day celebration at the St. Peter’s Catholic Church, Kenyasi in the Brong Ahafo Region, on the theme: “Blessed are the pure in heart; for they shall see God”.

He advised young people to be determined, studious, dutiful, truthful, respectful, sincere, dedicated and work hard for more secured future urging them to purify their hearts through prayer and the word of God and strive to be generous to the poor, sick and vulnerable in the society.

He cautioned the youth about the ‘mad rush’ to travel abroad in search of greener pastures, saying that those with such desire easily fell victim to human traffickers, who make empty promises of better jobs abroad.

Bishop Atuahene urged them to create awareness of the evil of human trafficking wherever they found themselves and discourage young people from being lured into this modern day slavery. He used different real life stories of victims and survivors of human trafficking to buttress his point.

The Bishop appealed to them to reciprocate with gratitude all that have been invested in them by applying themselves with total commitment to all the activities slated for the celebration to ensure holistic growth and transformation.

He expressed the hope that at the end of the programme, their lives would become exemplary and a reflection of what they had learnt.

Welcoming the dignitaries and participants, Rev. Fr. Benjamin Asibuo-Kusi the Diocesan Youth Chaplain said the celebration was a prototype of the Ghana Version of the World Youth Day celebration, slated for August this year at Cape Coast and called for support from all to enable the youth in the Diocese participates in the programme.

Activities that marked the celebration included: Cultural displays, Diocesan Youth Music Festival, Indoor Games/Athletics (Marathon race, Volley ball and Soccer), Catechesis, as well as clean up exercise. 

Mr. Malogah B. Samuel, Asutifi North District Health Promotion Officer delivered a keynote address on “Sexually transmitted infections among the youth, causes, effects and prevention” entreating the youth to live good moral lives and eschew premarital sex.

Mr. Ernest Amankwah, the Goaso Diocesan Youth Council Chairman indicated that the Council was embarking on a self reliance project and solicited support for its success.

The four–day celebration was attended by about 3,000 youth from all the Parishes in the Diocese. 

The opening ceremony was Chaired by Hon. Jerry Opoku Sarfo and attended by Rev. Frs. Felix Twumasi, John Mary Appiadu, Parish Priest and Assistant, Elisha Manu, Assistant Priest, Goaso Cathedral, Mr. Joseph Daha, Member of Parliament, Christian Hevi Afeflu, a Magistrate, Mr. Dampah Edward Dampah-Yin, National Secretary, Ghana National Youth Council, Mr. Robert Bieni and Mr. Gabriel Nyarko, Immediate Past and Present Diocesan Laity Council Chairpersons respectively and many Religious Women. 


Bishop Atuahene with some of the dignitaries at the opening ceremony


The St. John Paul II Church at Ayomso in the Goaso Diocese has been elevated to a Quasi Parish status at a Mass with Rev. Fr. John William Fynn as its first Parish Priest. 

Stations that form the Quasi Parish are Ayomso, Fawohoyeden, Kumaho,Dotom, Gyasikrom, Menkakrom and Anwiawia. 

The installation ceremony was performed by Most Rev. Peter Kwaku Atuahene, the Bishop of Goaso, who presented the keys of the Church to Fr. Fynn, assisted by Nana Obeng Ackar, the Gyaasehene of Ayomso Traditional Area and Obaahemaa Adanse Fofie, the Queen Mother of Ayomso to install him. 

The Mass presided over by Bishop Atuahene, was concelebrated by four priests including Rev. Msgr. Anthony Boahen Kyereme, the St. Anthony of Padua Parish Cathedral Administrator out of which the St. John Paul II Church was carved. 

Bishop Atuahene explained to the congregation that a Parish was canonically erected by the Diocesan Bishop after consultation with the Parish Priest and the Council and urged the faithful to support their Priest to enable the Church attain a full Parish status. 

He identified three factors that called for the establishment of Parish, territorial continuity, adequate number of people and sufficient human resources. 

The Bishop advised Fr. Fynn, to co-operate, collaborate and relate very well with the people under his care.  

Fr. Fynn expressed gratitude to Bishop Atuahene, for the great honour done him and the people of Ayomso Zone as well as Nananom of Ayomso. 


The Our Lady of Apostles (OLA) Girls’ Secondary School at Kenyasi recently climaxed its 40th Anniversary Celebration on the theme: Information and Communication Technology (ICT), a tool for Girl-Child Empowerment. 

Most Rev. Peter Kwaku Atuahene, Bishop of Goaso congratulated the School on the milestone attained and expressed gratitude to the Founders, and all who had contributed to its growth. 

He advised the students to eschew all forms of examination malpractice which he described as a very serious issue that had threatened and eroded the gains of educational provision in Ghana. 

“Make use of the opportunities that the School offers you in your formative period to prepare for your future. Do not depend on fraudulent means to excel in your examinations, but make judicious use of your time to study hard in preparation for your examinations.” 

Bishop Atuahene who was the special Guest of Honour, noted that examination malpractices had become so endemic especially in the Brong-Ahafo Region, and appealed to all stakeholders; students, parents, teachers, the West African Examination Council (WAEC) Officials to curb the debilitating menace. 

He urged the students to be law abiding, determined, devoted and disciplined.Rev. Sr. Antoinette Abiwu, the Headmistress, gave a brief history of the School, paying glowing tributes to the Chief of Kenyasi II, Nana Odeneho Dadieako Kwabena Nsiah Ababio II and his elders for their vision of establishing an all-girl school of excellence, the first in the Brong Ahafo Region. 

She lauded them for planting the mustard seed which had become a big tree giving life and livelihood to many girls from all over Ghana and beyond and for donating the land. 

She said the Chief approached the then Bishop of the Diocese of Sunyani, Most Rev. James Owusu of Blessed Memory who in turn contacted the Our Lady of Apostles Sisters to establish and run the School. 

The Headmistress said the School started on September 27, 1974 with 34 students but currently has 1, 040 students with the staff strength of 119. She added that the School was absorbed into the Government Public System in September, 1976. 

Sr. Abiwu said the School had excelled in academics and sports in spite of the numerous challenges facing the School which included: lack of ICT Centre, administration block, abandoned GETfund projects, effect of the dusty road (mining routes) in front of the School on the health of the staff and students, and encroachment on the School land, appealing to Corporate Bodies, NGOs and Philanthropists to come to their aid. 

Prof. Mrs. Esi Awuah, Vice Chancellor of the University of Energy and Natural Resources, Sunyani, in a keynote address said empowering the women through Information and Communication Technology (ICT) would enable them carry out more effectively and with ease their manifold responsibilities as a wives, mothers, carrier women, and house keepers and still have time for socialization and other recreational activities. 

Prof. Mrs. Awuah who was the Guest Speaker appealed to heads of Schools, Institutions, Churches, corporate bodies and the government to resort to solar energy generation to mitigate the power crisis in the country. 

Dr. Adjei Henneh, Regional Director of Ghana Education Service (GES), urged the students to concentrate on their studies, use the internet especially the social media responsibly to avoid distraction. 

There were congratulatory messages from the Past OLA Girls Association (POGA-K) and the Traditional Councils, Kenyasi I & Kenyasi II. 

The students entertained the guests with cultural displays, poetry recital and dance drama. 

The ceremony was under the Chairmanship of Prof. James Hawkins Ephraim, the Vice Chancellor of the Catholic University College, Ghana. Rev. Fr. Felix Twumasi, the School Chaplain led in the opening and closing prayer while the School Choir gave a special song rendition.

Highlight of the ceremony included the cutting of the Anniversary Cake and the presentation of awards to some staff members and individuals for the outstanding performances, and students who excelled in various areas both in academic and extracurricular activities.




Most Rev. Peter Kwaku Atuahene, Bishop of Goaso recently elevated the St. Paul’s Catholic Church at Kasapin, an Outstation of the Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Parish at Mim in the Goaso Diocese to a Quasi Parish with the installation of Rev. Fr. Francis Addai Poku as its first Parish Priest.

In a homily, Bishop Atuahene said the elevation was to encourage the Church to grow by bringing it to the doorsteps of the people with the presence of a Mission House and a Priest.

He charged Fr. Addai Poku to help Parishioners grow spiritually and called on the faithful to support their Priest, adding that with the presence of a Priest, their responsibility would become bigger and more demanding.

He said there was an urgent need for them to commence the construction of a bigger Church to accommodate the growing Catholic population to enhance the faith of the people appealing to them to intensify effort towards the evangelization of the area.  

The Prelate urged the faithful to contribute their widow’s mite to equip the Mission House and to kick start the construction of the new Church, saying that the project would be solely funded by the faithful through their contributions.

Bishop Atuahene reminded the people that as a Quasi Parish, the Church was expected to see immense growth spiritually, physically and in their Sacramental returns urging them to rid themselves of any impediment to receiving Christ in their lives.

He entreated the faithful to live in peace, reconciliation, joy, love, and mutual support to enable people feel the presence of God in their lives so as to win more souls for Christ.

The Bishop expressed the hope that his next visit would be to raise it to a full fledged Parish depending on the readiness and comportment of the people.

Fr. Addai Poku pledged to work hard to raise the Quasi Parish to a Parish status, urging the Parishioners to cooperate with him.

He commended Fr. Stephen Gyau for his hard work and dedication in preparing the grounds which led to the elevation of the Church to a Quasi Parish.

Concelebrating at the Mass were Rev. Frs. Stephen Gyau, the Parish Priest of the Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Parish at Mim and Francis Addai Poku.

The Bishop read the Decree for the creation of the Quasi Parish and presented the Document to Fr. Addai Poku. 

Bishop Atuahene with the assistance of the Nananom installed Fr. Addai Poku as the first Parish Priest amidst applaud by the Faithful. 


            Bishop Atuahene presenting the Decree for the creation of the Quasi Parish to Fr. Addai Poku


                                       Fr. Gyau Congratulating Fr. Addai Poku after the installation


Most Rev. Peter Kwaku Atuahene, the Catholic Bishop of Goaso Diocese, recently ordained five deacons for service in the Lord’s vineyard during an impressive Eucharistic celebration at the Holy Family Catholic Chaplaincy, JOSCO at Bechem.



The Deacons are: Revds. Emmanuel Asante Wiredu, Elisha Manu, Benjamin Danso, Sixtus Kyei Kusi and Joaking Bonsu.



In a homily, Bishop Atuahene expressed his profound gratitude to God for the gift of vocation to the young men and thanked the deacons and their families for generously responding to God’s call.



Bishop Atuahene noted that the modern society with all its attractions and distractions was posing a big challenge to a life of dedication and service and urged the Deacons to strive to deepen their personal relationship with Jesus Christ through prayer and meditation.



He stressed that they should be careful not to fall into the trap of materialism which had become a canker in the society.



Most Rev. Atuahene explained that celibacy is a sign of pastoral charity and an inspiration to it, stressing that it is a source of spiritual fruitfulness in the world, which predisposes the celibates to be of service wholeheartedly to God’s people.



He entreated the Deacons to exercise their ministry committed to the celibate state stressing that as Deacons, they were no longer marriageable.



Bishop said that as Deacons, they would preside over public prayers, administer baptism, assist at and bless marriages, bring viaticum to the dying and conduct funeral services.



He added that as Ministers of the Altar, they would proclaim the Gospel, prepare the sacrifice, and distribute Communion to the faithful.



The Ordinandi were presented for Ordination by Rev. Fr. Joseph Yeboah, a priest of the Diocese, a Lecturer and Formator at St. Peter’s Regional Seminary, Pedu.



In his welcome address, Rev. Fr. Martin Yaw Adjei, the Chaplain, said the event was the first since the inception of the Chaplaincy and expressed profound gratitude to the Bishop for the honour done them.



The Ordination ceremony was attended by scores of Priests including Very Rev. Fr. James Owusu-Yeboah, the Regional Superior of the Society of African Missions (SMA), Rev. Fr. Nicholas Afriyie, Secretary General of the National Catholic Secretariat (NCS), Religious, Seminarians, the faithful and families of the Deacons.


Bishop Atuahene with the Deacons



Rev. Msgr. Matthew Addai, Vicar General of the Goaso Diocese was recently inducted into office as the 12th substantive Principal of the St. Joseph College of Education (JOSCO) at Bechem in the Brong-Ahafo Region during a solemn and impressive ceremony.

The induction ceremony which took place in the 900-seating capacity College Chapel, commenced with a concelebrated Eucharistic celebration presided over by the Most Rev. Peter Kwaku Atuahene, Bishop of Goaso.

In a homily on the theme “St. Joseph as a family’, Bishop Atuahene stressed the need for them to live in harmony and to show love and respect for each other.

He urged Msgr. Addai to create a congenial atmosphere to enable each one to play their respective roles effectively urging him to be respectful, tolerant, and humble but firm in his decisions.



He appealed to the Principal to share responsibilities and empower his collaborators to contribute their quota to the development of the Institution.



Bishop Atuahene urged the Staff to cooperate with the Principal to improve the academic, moral, and spiritual formation of the students.



Bishop Atuahene who is also the Chairman of the College Governing Council charged the Students to be disciplined, law abiding, studious, respectful and God fearing.



He called on all to have the interest of children in the country at heart and continue to support the Colleges of Education to make the training of teachers less challenging.


The Bishop presented the Statutes of Colleges of Education to Msgr. Addai, blessed, robed, and installed him as the Principal.

In his inaugural address, Msgr. Addai said he hoped to build a leading Catholic institution of excellence in the country with the assistance of Tutors and the Students



He added that St. Joseph College of Education seeks to produce teachers who are role models and are able to produce disciplined children with very good examination results who would become productive and useful citizens and leaders of tomorrow.



To those advocating for freedom and human rights saying that Colleges of Education are tertiary institutions and so trainees must be allowed to wear anything, dress anyhow, and do whatever suits them, Msgr. Addai cautioned that discipline must not be cruelly sacrificed on the altar of tertiary education stressing that the children of Ghana have a right to better education and to be taught by highly disciplined and committed teachers.


Sir Justice Denis Adjei, an Appeal Court Judge, led Msgr. Addai to take the Oath of Office.

Dignitaries present were: Nana Fosu Gyeabour Akoto II, Omanhene of Bechem Traditional Area, Principals of other Colleges of Education, Noble Old Joscodians, Priests, Religious, Staff Members and Students.





About us

The Catholic Diocese of Goaso is the sixteenth diocese in Ghana to be created by the Holy Father Pope John Paul II. Until October 1997, the Catholic Diocese of Goaso was part of the Catholic Diocese of Sunyani. The installation of the current and first Bishop, Most Rev. Peter Kwaku Atuahene, took place on Sunday, February 8, 1998, at Goaso.

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